
Sophomore Speak Out

Hello to all our readers. We have just finished an exhausting week of midterm exams and this week we share with you some of our issues and interests. We hope you enjoy our writing, and we’ll be back in two weeks.

— Dr. W’s Sophomore Classes

Sweet Peace — Ethical Chocolate

By Solvig Sayre>

Health Access Program Funding To Be Decided by Island Towns

The fight to keep funding intact for the Vineyard Health Care Access Program continued without letup last week during a meeting of the county advisory board on the county operating budget for the coming year.

Members of the Dukes County Health Council, the charter study commission, concerned residents and county commissioners packed the county administration building on their lunch breaks last Thursday to watch as the advisory board voted to approve a draft $1.9 million operating budget for the coming fiscal year.



A story in last week’s Gazette about Island voters registering to participate in the Feb. 5 primary incorrectly identified where Tisbury residents will vote. Voting will occur at the American Legion Hall. The story also misidentified the Tisbury town clerk. She is Marion Mudge.

The Gazette regrets the errors.

Selectmen Agree to Buy More Land for Middle Line Project

Chilmark selectmen announced last Friday an agreement to buy a plot of land on Tabor House Road, which will help the board move forward with plans to build the first town-sponsored affordable housing project in Chilmark.

“This is the last piece of the puzzle,” board chairman Warren Doty said this week by telephone.

Town Shellfisherman Avoids Suspension of Scallop License

Edgartown selectmen voted not to suspend the commercial scalloping license of fisherman Richard Morris Monday, going against the recommendation of the shellfish committee at a heated public hearing.

Artists in Residence

Artists in Residence

The Martha’s Vineyard Public Charter School will host an informational gathering on Monday, Feb. 4 from 5 to 7 p.m. for people interested in sharing their skills and talents in the school’s Artists in Residence program.

Introduction to Spinning

Introduction to Spinning

Introductory classes to spinning with Anna Marie D’Addarie are being offered at the store at the Island Alpaca Farm, Oak Bluffs.

All ages are welcomed. Materials and practice wheels are provided.

The class price is $125. Each class consists of two sessions for a total of eight hours. Wheel rentals are available for use after class for two weeks for an additional $50. A $25 credit can be applied towards any wheel purchase at the end of rental period.

Cancer Society Benefit

Cancer Society Benefit

The Vineyard Tennis Center will host Love At First Set, a tennis doubles tournament in honor of Mebbit Morano, Tami Pine-Willett, and Mary Walker, who all lost their battle with cancer in the past year and a half.


By Tradition, Scots Honor Poet Burns

Scots around the world paid tribute to the birthday of the poet Robert Burns through dinners and toasts in what is widely known as the Burns Supper. Vineyard Scots and their friends had their own event Saturday night at the Oyster Bar and Grill on Circuit avenue in Oak Bluffs.

The evening of toasts, music and levity honored the significance of both the 249th birthday of the bard and the 21st anniversary of the Scottish Society of Martha’s Vineyard.


Collecting Books for Cambodia School

In 2001, Oak Bluffs harbor master Todd Alexander and his wife, Kara Gelinas, were on vacation in Southeast Asia when they met Roma, a 14-year-old girl who was selling water and souvenirs during the day instead of going to school.

Roma had no official schooling. Her family could not afford it.
