West Tisbury

Miss Helena L. Athearn of Oak Bluffs is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Athearn.
West Tisbury people seem to be making changes this spring. Mr. Fred B. Athearn who has been employed as clerk in the store of G. G. Gifford has left for other employment. Mr. Walter I. Jenny has finished clerking the store of S. M. Mayhew & Co. Mr. Charles Turner of Bryantville and Mr. Benjamin Woodeman from Cambridge, have bought out the business of S. M. Mayhew and Co., and will carry on the same at the old site under the name of S. M. Mayhew & Co.


The R. W. Watsons have closed their summer home at Edgartown and are at the Wolcott, New York city, for several weeks before re-opening their town house.

At the Methodist Episcopal Church next Sunday morning the Rev. E. E. Craig will preach. There will be a Union Temperance Meeting in the Congregational church in the evening.

Mrs. Edward Burchell and Mrs. Samuel Burchell of Nantucket have been visiting Mrs. William H. Luce the past week.

Moving Pictures in Edgartown

The Moving Pictures, of which we have had them two evenings a week during the winter at the Town Hall, continue to draw good houses, some three or four hundred persons being present at each entertainment.

The Moving Pictures

The Moving Pictures, of which we have had them two evenings a week during the winter at the Town Hall, continue to draw good houses, some three or four hundred persons being present at each entertainment.


Launching of Steamer Sankaty

Bearing the name of the famous Sankaty head of Nantucket, which was bestowed upon her by a New Bedford girl, the steamboat Sankaty was launched from the Fore River yards at 12:05 Thursday, Feb. 2d, in the presence of an enthusiastic party of citizens of New Bedford, Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket, and the U. S. naval officers on duty at the Fore River yards.

Edgartown Town Column: Telephones at Harbor View

Dr. T. J. Walker, the owner of the Harbor view premises, in addition to extensive improvements going on all along the line, is having telephones installed in every lodging room in the hotel and cottages. Men from the Telephone Co. are doing the work, which we are told will occupy some weeks to complete.

South Wing to be Moved Intact to Town

Dr. T. J. Walker, who lately bought the Katama hotel building, has contracted with George S. Norton to move intact the south end of the structure to the Doctor’s Harbor View premises at Starbuck’s Neck.

The Vineyard Passes Through the Comets Tail Safely

The Vineyard, an important part of the Earth which was scheduled to plunge through the tail of Halley’s comet last night beginning at 10.55, may well be congratulated upon its successful emergence from the passage. The early night was damp and foggy, and nothing startling locally occurred until just before midnight, the Earth then having penetrated possibly two or three hundred thousand miles into the tail, when peals of thunder and vivid lightning accompanied by a smart downfall of hailstones, convinced many that our good old Earth was stirring up the comet’s tail somewhat.

Big Snow Storm: The Vineyard Treated to the Biggest Fall of Snow For Some Years

Blizzard which prevailed last Friday and Saturday was a storm which will be long remembered especially for the great fall of snow hereabouts. It is estimated that on Sunday morning some fifteen inches on the level lay upon the ground, and the drifts in many places ran from four to six feet in height. No mail from the mainland was received from Thursday evening until Saturday night, when Steamer Uncatena arrived at 7:15 from New Bedford with Friday’s and Saturday’s mails - four mails altogether.

Edgartown Town Column

Manuel Swartz, the well-known boat builder, near Steamboat Wharf, has just built for Capt. Manuel Sylvia, of Nantucket, a fine large cat-boat, which is to be named the “Helen,” and will be sailed by Capt. Sylvia. The boat was measured by the custom-house here this week and is 30.8 long; breadth 13.6; depth 4.5, and is to be equipped with a 10 h. p. Victor gasoline engine, and all modern gear. The boat is in every respect a fine product of the boat-builder’s art.
