Town Meeting

“To be or not to be” - stock or no stock - railroad or no railroad - was the principal question before the community last Saturday, and the town and its “dependencies” (?) turned out en masse to meet the emergency. Every able-bodied voter was in attendance, and the people seemed determined that the matter shouldn’t go by default.

Hon. J. T. Pease was chosen moderator.

The second article of the warrant, “To see if the town would subscribe to the stock of the Martha’s Vineyard Railroad,” &c., coming up, Mr. Samuel Osborn submitted the following resolution:

Martha’s Vineyard Railroad Company

At a meeting of the associate subscribers to stock to form a corporation, to be called the Martha’s Vineyard Railroad Company, Feb. 24, 1874, Samuel Osborn, Jr., was chosen Chairman, and Shubael L. Norton, Secretary.

Voted, To elect a committee of three, to nominate temporary directors of said company. N. M. Jernegan, E. Marchant and G. N. Collins were elected.

Martha’s Vineyard Railroad Company

At a preliminary meeting of those interested in the proposed railroad, held at Samuel Osborn’s office, in Edgartown, on Tuesday evening last, the necessary officers were chosen to effect an organization. The gentlemen present were all harmonious in their opinions, and there was but one expression in reference to the contemplated undertaking.

Mattakeset Lodge

I have returned, myself and one or two more of us, as well as a number of others who are not “of us.” The first thing of course, on arriving, was to secure a good room, and I rather plume myself on having gotten one of the best in the hotel, of which, by the way, I will attempt a brief description. The building is situated on the bluff at the head of the landing, and is about 125 feet front in the whole.

Vineyard Highlands Horse Railroad

Mr. Lemuel T. Talbot, formerly superintendent of streets in Taunton, has contracted to build the horse railroad at Vineyard Highlands, to be run the coming Summer, and the cars, in the style of the Summer cars of the New Bedford & Fairhaven road, are ordered of J. M. Jones & Co., West Troy, N.Y., the builders of the cars of the latter road. This is good evidence of the enterprise of the Vineyard Grove Co., and we hope it will be a success in every respect. [New Bedford Standard.

Edgar Marchant Resumes Ownership

Having disposed of the “VINEYARD GAZETTE” established to EDGAR MARCHANT, its former proprietor and founder, we bespeak for him the same cordial support accorded to us during the pleasant five years passed in editorial duties in this office. Mr. Marchant, so well-known to the readers of the Gazette in years past, needs no further introduction to the present patrons of the paper he founded and placed on a substantial and enduring basis.

Organization of the “Katama Land Company”

It affords us sincere pleasure to announce that the question whether Katama was “to be or not to be” the scene of a new settlement and a resort for summer visitors, is certainly “to be.”

We were morally certain of this fact several weeks ago, but refrained from stating it at the request of the parties concerned in working up the enterprise, until all possibility of a failure from any human cause, was removed. It is now a fixed fact, and we but give voice to the expression of our citizens when we propose three times three cheers for the cheering inevitable.

Vineyard Grove

The carpenters are busy, notwithstanding the recent severe cold.
The first baby ever born on the Camp Ground was born on Wednesday, 6th instant; a son to Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Vincent.
A mite society was held at the Vineyard Grove House, Capt. Dias, proprietor, on Monday evening, for the purpose of raising funds to purchase books for the library of the new Sabbath School. About one hundred persons were present, and an evening of social enjoyment was passed. Forty dollars were realized as the net proceeds of the gathering.

Union Chapel

The much-talked-of Dedication of the Chapel at Oak Bluffs came off last Sunday morning. The exercises opened at half past ten o’clock, Rev. Dr. Turner of Hartford, chairman of the dedicatory committee, presiding. An organ voluntary introduced the services, followed by the singing of the Credo, from La Hache’s Mass for Peace, by the Park Church choir. The other exercises then occurred in the following order: Invocation and reading of the Scriptures, by Rev. J. J. Roberts, D. D., of New York; hymn by the congregation; introductory address by Rev. Dr.

The “Martha’s Vineyard”

The new steamboat just built for the New Bedford and Vineyard Steamboat Company arrived here Monday night on her first trip, having made excellent time. The “steamboat committee” were out in full force to welcome the new boat, and a strong force from the village generally, - the “excursion committee,” we’ll call them - assisted the regular detail in their daily arduous duty.
