The copartnership heretofore existing under the firm name of KENISTON & JERNEGAN is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All outstanding accounts of the late firm will be settled by Samuel Keniston, its successor.
The annual Cottage City whaleboat race announced for Friday, but which was postponed on account of the high wind and the non-arrival of the New Bedford competitors, came off Saturday afternoon at 4 o’clock. Four boats were entered, viz.: The Oak Bluffs, The Edgartown, and the Sixth Ward and Sixth Ward, Jr., of New Bedford. The course was three miles, the boats starting from the judges; boat off the south end of the plank walk and pulling alongshore passing the Oak Bluffs and Highland wharves, thence around the buoy off East Chop and return. In drawing for positions, Edgartown was No.
The first public religious services were held in the new Baptist Temple at the Highlands, Sunday morning last, and Rev. G. L. Lewis, of Vineyard Haven, preached from 1st Corinthians, 3-16. Theme - “Our body the temple of God.” It was announced that religious services would be held in this place every Sabbath hereafter, at 10.30 A. M., and that the “Temple” would be dedicated Aug. 19th.
Taking into consideration the benefit that would thereby be conferred upon the patrons of the VINEYARD GAZETTE, we have disposed of the property to Messrs. KENISTON & JERNEGAN, two gentlemen highly qualified for the important trust. The few months we have labored among you have been filled with encouragement, and will be often looked back to as among the brightest in our experience. With heartfelt gratitude, we thank you, friends, one and all, for the helping hand and encouraging word, and hope that the same support will be extended to our successors.