Haitian Art Exhibit
For the entire month of October the Friends of the Vineyard Haven Library will host an exhibit by artist Wilfrid Dantis as part of their Art in the Stacks program.
B rushing Back the Years
The artist Nancy Furino has a healthy attitude toward her work.
“Mainly I paint to please myself, not to think what the public might want,” she says. “If the work sells, all the better.”
This statement coming from a wet-behind-the-ears novice just getting going might sound like a bit of grandstanding, perhaps landing a false note at that. After all, doesn’t everyone focus on the bottom line these days?
Life on Ice
Think it gets cold, dark and lonely on the Vineyard in winter? How about spending some time in that country whose very name thickens the blood: Iceland.
Or better yet, maybe stay here and look at some pictures.
Behind every bureaucrat beats the heart of an artist. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if that were so? Just imagine a world where a moment with CSPAN resulted not in a need for a nap but rather an inspiring journey into the creative (rather than destructive) souls of our elected officials.
Just a crazy dream you say? Well, here on the Vineyard that dream is a reality. Nonbelievers need only to wander the grounds of the Tashmoo Spring building today, Sept. 23, from 4:30 to 7 p.m.
Solar Boxes Emit Sound of Art
Small speakers powered by the sun and emitting a single guitar note are about to add to the ambient sounds of fall this week on Martha’s Vineyard. The project called sun boxes is the work of artist Craig Colorusso, a one-time punk rocker (remember China Pig) turned performance artist.
Sometimes an artist is so wonderful it takes two galleries to promote her.
Beginning next week on Thursday, Sept. 29, and running through Oct. 10, the Dragonfly Fine Arts Gallery and Shephard Fine ArtSpace will be holding a joint retrospective showing for artist Nancy Furino.
At 82 years of age, Ms. Furino has been living and painting on the Vineyard since she moved here in 1980. A Copley Master, she is noted for her colorful work depicting scenes from Martha’s Vineyard and around the world.