Morning Glory Farm and the Family that Feeds an Island, the story of the largest farm on Martha’s Vineyard, has been named the best local cuisine cookbook in the United States by the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards. The award has placed it into the running for the best in the world award in this category, to be announced in February in Paris.

The Gourmand World Cookbook Awards is an internationally recognized organization that holds the world’s largest cookbook and drinks book trade fair every year. This year, 6,000 books were submitted.

Linda with Margot

What if your muse becomes your shrink? Margot Datz didn’t really take her paintings of mermaids seriously until they began to speak to her like a Ouija Board, predicting divorce, life changes and pointing out a woman’s place in the landlocked world.

Teachers and students from Adult and Community Education of Martha’s Vineyard will share excerpts from their work with the public on Friday, November 13 at 6:30 p.m. at the high school library.

Author/activist David Swanson is coming to speak at the Tisbury Senior Center from 4 to 6 p.m. on Nov. 7.

Hosted by the Martha’s Vineyard Peace Council, Mr. Swanson will be introducing his latest book, Daybreak: Undoing the Imperial Presidency and Forming a More Perfect Union, released Sept. 1 by Seven Stories Press. Copies will be available at this event.

It’s an age-old problem. An artist, writer, explorer or inventor has an idea for a project he feels confident will pay off in the long run, but no money to live while he completes it. Where does the artist turn for funds? And on the other side, how do patrons find new talents worthy of their support?

Reliving the Sixties

Vineyard author Tom Dresser will discuss his latest books, In My Life and It Was 40 Years Ago Today, Wednesday, November 4, at 5:30 p.m. at the Chilmark Public Library.

A coming-of-age novel set in a small New England town in the 1960s, In My Life resonates with an atmosphere familiar to many baby-boomers.

It Was 40 Years Ago Today is a nonfiction review of the Beatles, recently published to coincide with the anniversary of the release of the Beatles’ album Abbey Road.
