Robert A. Culbert
Finally! The southward migration of songbirds is becoming more intense.
Bird news
Robert A. Culbert
May is rapidly coming to a close and with May’s disappearance the northward migration mostly ends.
Bird news
Luanne Johnson
The annual piping plover census was June 1 through 9.
Bird news
Louisa Hufstader
State wildlife officials and the Mass Audubon bird conservation group are advising residents to bring in their bird feeders and birdbaths until more is known about a mysterious avian ailment.
Bird news
Mass Audubon


One of the major signs of spring took place on March 1 when Albert Fischer found one tree swallow over Squibnocket pond near the beach parking lot.

A first for the year! Bob Shriber found a Lapland longspur on Norton Point beach on March 1.

It is a bit early in the year for shorebirds to show up on their northward migration. It is still February, after all.

We are all looking and listening for signs of the approaching spring, as some of us cannot wait for it to come even though we have not experienced much severe winter weather so far.

So why was there a great egret in a salt marsh at Tom’s Neck on Chappaquiddick on Feb. 9? I

Now migrating shorebirds return as the calendar turns its page to June. Birders have crowded Island ponds and beaches as ruddy turnstones, short-billed dowitchers, red knots, sandpipers, and dunlin return to their summer homes.
