July Surprise

A white-throated sparrow had never been seen before in July.

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It is the baby bird time of the year. Many of these youngsters do not look like their parents and may not have grown all their feathers yet.

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Remembering Gus

The generosity and compassion of the late reknowned Island naturalist and teacher Gus BenDavid had a huge impact on the people and natural history of the Vineyard. Gus always seemed to be interested in sharing his natural history knowledge and experience with any and all.

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Bird Sightings on Martha’s Vineyard: June 2024

Now migrating shorebirds return as the calendar turns its page to June. Birders have crowded Island ponds and beaches as ruddy turnstones, short-billed dowitchers, red knots, sandpipers, and dunlin return to their summer homes.

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Breeding Birds

The continuing story this spring is another cloudy rainy day with wind from the North and Northeast. Birdwatchers love their breeding birds but the challenge is finding migrants that you don’t regularly encounter.

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Whether the Weather

We have had a string of less than ideal weather during recent Christmas Bird Counts.

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Winter Survival

We were lucky that we did not get battered by the Christmas storm!

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Winter Invasions

A wish list of species I hope will be found before the end of the year are as follows.

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Corvid Community

I read that my neighbor on this page — Lynne Irons of The Vineyard Gardener — has observed all the fish crows that hang out around the Five Corners area.

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