Oak Bluffs took another step toward creating a town cultural district Tuesday as selectmen gave the green light to the proposal after several weeks of discussion.


Preliminary plans are underway to designate part of Oak Bluffs as a cultural district, a special state designation. The Aquinnah Circle and Vineyard Haven Harbor were recently designated districts.

The Aquinnah Circle at the westernmost tip of the Vineyard has been named a cultural and historic district by the Massachusetts Cultural Council.


The Vineyard Haven Harbor Cultural District (VVHCD) is launching a contest to develop a logo that will represent the district.

A group of about 30 people and two dogs gathered Wednesday morning to celebrate a new sign marking Vineyard Haven Harbor as a cultural district.


Downtown Vineyard Haven has been named as the state’s newest cultural district. The town application was approved during a meeting of the Massachusetts Cultural Council last month, and an announcement was made at the selectmen’s meeting Tuesday.
