Around 4:20 p.m. a Toyota SUV crashed into Edgartown Meat and Fish, taking down a portion of the building near the meat counter.


A 33-year-old Boston woman is facing motor vehicle charges after she drove her car through a plate glass window at Edgartown Meat and Fish Monday night.


A 71-year-old Edgartown man is facing loss of license and other possible charges after he drove his car through the window of the Edgartown Meat and Fish store at the Triangle Sunday morning.


There will be one more beer and wine license in Edgartown this summer, and that has some local business owners uneasy.

Appearing at a public hearing during an Edgartown selectmen’s meeting on Monday, attorney Sean Murphy, representing John Ready of the proposed Edgartown Meat and Fish Market in Post Office Square, said that an additional alcohol license in town would not affect other businesses.

The Upper Main street business district in Edgartown will see some new enterprise this year following approval by the town planning board of two business projects on Tuesday night.

The board approved a change of use permit that will allow the Edgartown Meat and Fish Market to open in Post Office Square, and also voted to allow a new construction project by the owners of Wave Lengths salon.

At a standing-room-only public hearing, the Edgartown planning board this week heard arguments for and against the proposed Edgartown Meat and Fish Market at the Triangle. Applicant John Ready faced questions about competition, traffic and trash, some of them from neighboring business owners.