With ridership cratering on the Vineyard route and financial losses looming, SSA general manager Robert Davis said the reduced ferry schedule will remain in effect through May 5.

With ridership cratering on the Vineyard route and financial losses looming, SSA general manager Robert Davis said the reduced ferry schedule will remain in effect through May 5.
The Patriot boat line has cut its shuttle schedule in half in response to the recently-enacted construction bans on the Island.
Starting Sunday, the Steamship Authority is reducing its schedule of ferry trips between Woods Hole and Martha’s Vineyard.
The Steamship Authority announced Tuesday that its northernmost Woods Hole berth, slip number three, will be closed to ferries from Jan. 29 until Feb. 21, resulting in slight changes to the ferry schedule.
A petition from Falmouth residents has forced the SSA to schedule a public hearing Monday afternoon on its proposed 2020 operating schedule.
Frustrated travelers and disruptions in service were again the story for the problem-plagued Steamship Authority over the weekend and into Monday.