Harry Seymour
Juneteenth and Father’s Day Third week of June A double celebration Of fathers we know And those liberated
Harry Seymour
Harry Seymour
Doors open wide / To horizon’s illusions / Of noble ideals / “Independence,” equality,” / “Freedom,” and “justice”
Harry Seymour


Spring of 2024 / Dressed up for Easter / With nature’s rebirth / A calm before the storm / In an election year / Like none other.


Driving while Black/Shopping while Black/Realities of being Black.

An elephant in the classroom / Unheard voices from slavery / So essential to understanding / How past is prelude / To inequities we now see.


Aboard the ferry in a winter of advancing age.

Doors open wide / To horizon’s illusions / Of noble ideals / “Independence,” equality,” / “Freedom,” and “justice”

Juneteenth and Father’s Day
Third week of June
A double celebration
Of fathers we know
And those liberated
Over a hundred years ago
On Juneteenth
Marking the end of slavery
When men were encouraged
To breed
And not be fathers
In the paternal sense
Of nurturing a child
A form of fatherhood
Not to be celebrated
But remembered
On Juneteenth
As inspirational for all
Denied reciprocal love
Between father and child