The sighting was around 9 a.m., according to The Trustees of Reservations, which manages the refuge, and swimming was restricted for two hours.

The third annual Bioblitz took place at Long Point Wildlife Refuge over the weekend, where citizen scientists went to work cataloguing hundreds of local species.

The paths have moved, the dunes are flatter and there isn’t as much sand as there once was. But the south shore has come a long way since three destructive storms hit the Island this winter, and managers say they are ready for summer crowds.


An ongoing sandplain grassland restoration project at Long Point Wildlife Refuge in West Tisbury got a boost this week with the announcement of a $50,000 state grant.


The Trustees will reopen the summer gatehouse to Long Point Wildlife Refuge June 18, with reduced parking, timed ticketing and online-only sales.


The preservation of rare sandplain grasslands at Katama and in West Tisbury will get a boost thanks to some $46,000 in grant money awarded by Gov. Charlie Baker last week to the Trustees of Reservations.
