The new Coast Guard boathouse, designed to withstand fires and 100-year floods, is up and expected to be done by December. Two stone jetties are set to be replaced by the Army Corps of Engineers this winter. Selectmen toured Menemsha this week to see the work firsthand.
Chilmark selectmen are working to iron out the kinks in a free shuttle service between Tabor House Road and Menemsha that began in July. The service offers an alternative for drivers to park off site and away from the congested harbor area.
When the sun rises in Menemsha it comes up over a swordfish. The fishing village remains a mix of old and new, but the soul of the place is the ocean, and what comes from it.
Four years ago this week, Menemsha harbor was a chaotic scene. Dark smoke from the west dock billowed out to sea and burning embers floated on the water. The wooden Coast Guard boathouse built in 1938 was completely consumed before the first fire truck arrived. A wooden pier and a wooden road leading to the boathouse, along with a truck and at least one boat, were also destroyed.
Chilmark selectmen are hoping to provide some relief for drivers looking to park in Menemsha. A free shuttle service between a parking lot on Tabor House Road and Menemsha harbor will begin August 1.
New pilings for Menemsha harbor, a new office for the harbor master and a new wood floor for the Chilmark Community Center are all decisions for voters. The meeting begins at 7:30 p.m. in the Community Center.