The Harbor View Hotel was aglow Monday night as revelers ushered in the New Year at the Edgartown hotel's annual bash. It was a night of food, glitz, champagne and even cotton candy.


The Vineyard may not have a ball to drop, but that doesn’t mean New Year’s Eve Island style doesn’t compare with standing cheek to jowl in the Times Square mosh pit.

Far better, really, to dance 2012 right out of the picture and welcome what is to come with a sweaty, hell yeah.

The Harbor View hosts the Sultans of Swing but you had to be quick to the mark to make reservations. The only spots left are the packages with lodging.



When three golden girls from East Chop went swimming Tuesday morning, they had little trouble finding their spot at the beach.

No beach towels were in the way, nor were there children on the shoreline to dodge, as they sped down into the water in front of the East Chop Beach Club.

Except for a stiff, bitterly cold arctic blast from the southeast, all was quiet at the beach club. The temperature was in the 30s.

And there was no shortage of space amid the rolling waves in the 39-degree seawater for the swimmers at the popular summer beach.


The eighth annual New Year's Eve celebration in Tisbury has a
new look, mixing highlights of years past - the hat parade,
fireworks, Marcus the Magician - with brand-new events over a
two-day period.

This New Year's Eve, many Islanders brought in 2001 without
champagne toasts and elegant balls. Instead, they celebrated with ghost
tours, sea chanteys and contra dancing as part of Martha's
Vineyard First Night.
