Oak Bluffs residents voted to approve over $1 million dollars in spending at a special town meeting Tuesday, allowing the town to cover a stolen grant and move forward with a solar farm over the capped landfill.

Oak Bluffs voters will be asked to take action on some $1 million in spending requests at a special town meeting Tuesday, including one to correct a loss from a cyber scam this past August.

Oak Bluffs voters Tuesday reaffirmed spending $6.9 million to repair the East Chop bluffs and $26 million for wastewater upgrades.

Oak Bluffs will have a special town meeting Tuesday, June 25, to reapprove two spending articles that originally passed in 2022.


Oak Bluffs will hold a special town meeting on Nov. 7 at the Martha's Vineyard Regional High School Performing Arts Center. Attendees will cast their votes on 12 articles regarding town maintenance projects, affordable housing land designations and formatting changes to town bylaws.


The Martha's Vineyard Regional High School's proposed renovation project took a key step forward Tuesday night, as Oak Bluffs became the first Island town to approve changes to the regional high school funding agreement.
