Oak Bluffs will have a special town meeting Tuesday, June 25, to reapprove two spending articles that originally passed in 2022.

Residents will vote on $26 million for wastewater treatment facility upgrades and $6.9 million for the East Chop revetment project to repair erosion along the Bluffs. 

The funding is back on a town meeting warrant because the required ballot votes occurred later than allowed by state law, according to town officials.

“This is solely and exclusively for the purpose of fixing the timing defect from two years ago,” town administrator Deborah Potter said earlier this spring.

Since both of these projects include debt exclusion, they had to be passed both at town meeting and on the ballot. According to the text of Proposition 2 1/2, the ballot vote had to occur by Sept. 15 following town meeting approval or the vote would no longer be considered effective. The vote to approve the wastewater project was held in November during the state election, and the vote to approve the East Chop project was held with the annual town election last year.

Quorum is 50 people. The meeting will be held at 7 p.m. at the Oak Bluffs Elementary School.