Vineyard Gazette
The Cottagers Club, a charitable organization now well entrenched in its second active year, held its final meeting of the season at the home of Mrs.
The Cottagers
Dorothy West
On Aug. 26, 1869, the Oak Bluffs Land and Wharf Company, an energetic corporation which had bought up acres of the lovely woods and meadows and shore front stretches of what is now Oak Bluffs, sold one of those lots, 69 Pequot avenue, to Lydia B. Smith of New Bedford.
The Cottagers
Dorothy West
Oak Bluffs town hall
Historic buildings
James Kinsella
From their earliest days, they did good works, and had fun doing them. The first money they raised, from an informal series of summer square dances, went to Martha’s Vineyard Hospital.
The Cottagers


7 Pequot,


The Cottagers, Inc. 28th Annual House Tour, titled Architectural Treasures, Past and Present will be held on Thursday, July 15, rain or shine. In the fine tradition of distinctive homes associated with the tour, five residences will be featured.


Cottagettes to Perform:

Cottagers’ History Program

The Oak Bluffs Historical Commission will sponsor a program depicting the history of the Cottagers, Inc. in Oak Bluffs on Wednesday, July 30 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Oak Bluffs Library meeting room.

The Cottagers’ 26th annual House Tour will be held on Thursday, July 17, rain or shine. In the fine tradition of distinctive homes associated with the event, five cottages will be on tour.

Two cottages are on Ocean avenue across from Ocean Park, and two houses and the historical Shearer Cottage are in the area of East Chop known as the Highlands.


From their earliest days, they did good works, and had fun doing them.

The first money they raised, from an informal series of summer square dances, went to Martha’s Vineyard Hospital.

Over the decades, the people and organizations who have been helped by their efforts include Vineyard high school graduates, Hospice of Martha’s Vineyard, the Oak Bluffs Public Library, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the Food Pantry, Windemere Nursing Home and Martha’s Vineyard Community Services.


On Aug. 26, 1869, the Oak Bluffs Land and Wharf Company, an energetic corporation which had bought up acres of the lovely woods and meadows and shore front stretches of what is now Oak Bluffs, sold one of those lots, 69 Pequot avenue, to Lydia B. Smith of New Bedford.


The Cottagers will hold a sale at Hartford Park in Oak Bluffs on Friday, Aug. 2 for the benefit of the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital. Their tables will include gifts, food, white elephants, grabs, hot dogs and tonic. Mrs. John J. Goldsberry is serving as general chairman, Miss Dorothy West, Mrs. Frederick White, Mrs. Wilmer Lucas, and E. W. Finley, who is president of the Cottagers.

There will also be tables in charge of the following: Mrs. David Rappaport, special benefit, a doll; miscellaneous, Mrs. Herbert G. Louis; aprons, Mrs. Anna M. Ryan.
