There appears to be considerable confusion about ticks, the role of their different host animals and what can be reasonably be done to reduce the high incidence of Lyme disease.

With tick-borne illness on the rise, health agencies are turning their attention to babesiosis, a disease carried by deer ticks.

Our Island and neighboring areas are faced with a full-blown epidemic of these diseases. Accordingly, we need to plan and act.


Cape Pogue resident Donald Greenstein has been finding lone star ticks on his property for years, but never in their current numbers. Island biologist and tick expert Richard Johnson surveyed the property and said he found 30 lone star ticks with 1,000 feet.

In just over half a year, the Vineyard Center for Clinical Research has completed its first trial and has begun working on three others that are aimed at improving the diagnosis of Lyme disease. The center operates out of the Vineyard Medical Care building in Vineyard Haven.

Funding will end this year for the Tick-Borne Illness Reduction Initiative, an Islandwide program that began about four years ago with a grant from the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital. But Island health agents plan to continue the efforts, which include school programs and a series of educational videos.
