Vineyard Gazette
The Vineyard Gazette installed on Saturday a new Intertype machine—a typesetting machine embodying a great many recent improvements—and this addition to the plant was put into operation for the fir
Noah Asimow
The Vineyard Gazette celebrates its 175th anniversary Friday at a time of extraordinary change for community newspapers across America.
Bill Eville
Tomorrow’s History: 175 Years of the Vineyard Gazette opens at the Martha's Vineyard Museum this weekend. It tells the continuing story of a community newspaper that began in 1846.


The Vineyard Gazette celebrates its 175th anniversary Friday at a time of extraordinary change for community newspapers across America.

Phyllis Meras turned 90 on May 10, and along with her official title as contributing editor at the Gazette, she holds the unofficial title of oldest living employee at the paper.

The Vineyard Gazette won 47 awards in the New England Better Newspapers Competition this week, garnering top honors in numerous categories.

On Friday, May 14, the Vineyard Gazette will mark its 175th anniversary, and plans are in the works for a yearlong celebration.


Jane Seagrave was elected president of the Massachusetts Newspaper Publishers Association at its annual meeting Thursday.

The Vineyard Gazette’s website,, won a national EPPY award on Tuesday for excellence in digital media. The site was named best newspaper site under 1 million unique monthly visitors.
