To comply with flood-zone building codes, contractors are raising the Steamship Authority's Woods Hole terminal site by several feet.
To comply with flood-zone building codes, contractors are raising the Steamship Authority's Woods Hole terminal site by several feet.
The Steamship Authority’s multi-year reconstruction of its Woods Hole terminal is now fully focused on the land side of the property, where the longtime staging area for Vineyard-bound vehicles was recently demolished.
Steamship Authority passengers, Woods Hole terminal neighbors and other members of the public got their first chance last week to examine the latest land-side design for the terminal reconstruction.
Steamship Authority governors voted Wednesday to approve a change order for the multi-million dollar marine side Woods Hole Terminal renovation project, but not before delivering sharp criticisms about the project’s mounting costs.
The first of four community input sessions on the landside design of the Woods Hole terminal reconstruction takes place online March 23.
The Woods Hole ferry terminal is open again after it was closed overnight for cleaning and disinfecting.