Vineyard Gazette
The airfield on the central plain of Martha’s Vineyard is beginning to shape up as something more than raw earth, mud, and the destination of building materials trucked over the roads from the st
Vineyard Gazette
The well-kept secret of the Army's experimental base at Katama during the fall and early winter of 1943 is disclosed at last, in this issue of the Gazette. Ten miles of heavy pipe were delivered, with other equipment, beginning in August, and during the following months five one-mile lengths of pipe were laid in the ocean with the aid of tugs, and welded together into an experimental pipeline under conditions similar to those which would be encountered in laying a gasoline supply line under the English Channel.


United States Marine Corps Capt. Eugene DeFelice (Ret.), now 97, is one of a handful of World War II veterans who are still around to tell their story.


An $8.1 million project to remove World War II-era munitions is underway at Long Point Wildlife Refuge on the Tisbury Great Pond.

A large project to remove World War II-era munitions from Cape Pogue is scheduled to resume this month, with additional work required because of the large quantity of practice bombs found in the area.


The remote northern end of Chappaquiddick has been bustling with activity this spring as cleanup of World War II-era practice bombs begins.


The state police bomb squad was called to Chappaquiddick after the discovery of two World War II practice bombs, later determined to be inert, on a remote barrier beach at Cape Pogue.

In 1945 the late Harvey Ewing was a 21-year-old tail gunner in a torpedo bomber in the South Pacific.
