The YMCA of Martha's Vineyard will reopen its doors to members Sept. 9, according to an announcement.
Young performers up to age 18 are invited to take part in Friday's online open mic, receive a gift certificate and maybe win free pizza.


After screening discussion of Sleepless in Seattle included lead actor Meg Ryan, producer Gary Foster and screenwriter Scott Frank as part of YMCA's annual Stars and Stripes fundraiser.

The high school band Era of Good Feelings headlined the scene Tuesday at Alex's Place when Ernie Boch Jr. presented a check for $5,000.

Although the collapse of Vineyard Youth Tennis’s bubble structure has added a new complication in the proposed merger between the organization and the YMCA both organizations said talks were ongoing.


The Martha’s Vineyard Makos traveled to Nantucket for the Southeastern Massachusetts Swim League Pentathlon meet.

Alex’s Place, a community center where teenagers can draw comics, learn to play the ukulele and escape the numerous pressures of Island life, has a new director with a new philosophy for the space.


The Martha’s Vineyard Arena and YMCA announced this week that the two nonprofits have formed a new alliance. At the same time a new general manager has been hired for the Island ice arena.
