Peter Wells
There has always been a conflict between preserving the values of the past and implementing our perceptions of the future.


Vehicles will be unable to get back and forth from Chappaquiddick aboard the ferry from 9 a.m. May 11 until 3 p.m. May 12.


The Edgartown select board approved a 15 per cent fare rate increase for the Chappy Ferry, as residents continued to pepper leadership with questions about the ferry’s financials.

A proposed rate hike on the Chappy Ferry ran into some choppy waters Monday, as residents of the small island east of Edgartown raised questions about the barge’s financials.

Chappy Ferry owner Peter Wells is seeking a rate hike for the boat line connecting the small, rural island to downtown Edgartown.

From the Oct. 31, 1969 edition of the Vineyard Gazette:

With the owners of the Chappaquiddick Ferry hoping to sell the franchise before their lease expires next year, the future of the tiny barge-like ferry has become a heated subject for discussion and debate in recent weeks.
