President Grant and his wife had a reception at the Sea View House on Saturday evening last, which was a most fitting close to the festivities on the Vineyard. The supper was of the choicest kind. The beauty and wealth of the Bluffs were out in full force and dancing was indulged in until 12 o’clock. The time consumed in the reception was an hour, during which one thousand persons shook hands with President. The dining hall in which the reception took place, always pleasant, presented an exceedingly fine appearance.


Frederick Douglas, the colored orator, addressed a very respectable, though not large audience, at the Town Hall, on Saturday evening last, on the Unity of the Races. His arguments in favor of a common origin of mankind were very logical, and doubtless deemed conclusive by the great majority of his hearers. He is a fluent and powerful speaker, and commands uninterrupted attention.
