Vice President Kamala Harris will be on the Vineyard Saturday for a reelection fundraiser hosted by the Biden Victory Fund.

Vice President Kamala Harris will be on the Vineyard Saturday for a reelection fundraiser hosted by the Biden Victory Fund.
From the Vineyard Gazette editions of August 1965: Is she or isn’t she going to marry Frank Sinatra? The question had the whole Island in a tizzy of inquiry, while reporters were descending like locusts.
It was a busy day for Kamala Harris; her Vineyard vacation was drawing to a close and she was pressed for time. Stopping for a television interview on her way to catch a flight to New York city, the San Francisco district attorney, who is running for California Attorney General in 2010, arrived hurried but not flustered. The lights snapped on, a cameraman mimed a countdown, and she was on; speaking with precision about crime rates, recidivism, and the California budget crisis.
A near-capacity crowd turned out late Sunday afternoon at the Oak Bluffs Tabernacle to cheer an unprecedented event on the Vineyard - the first Freedom Fund rally to support equal rights for Negroes throughout the country. The sponsor of the affair was the Cape Cod branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
The site was highly appropriate, for Oak Bluffs and, more specifically, the Martha’s Vineyard Camp Meeting Association which operates the historic Tabernacle, have long epitomized the goals of equality that the NAACP actively promotes.