This commodious hotel is now open to the public. The proprietor, Mr. Joseph Kelley, is a gentleman every way worthy of the confidence of visitors, and one who will spare no pains to make his patrons comfortable, and so well pleased as to desire to prolong their stay. We trust the “Vineyard” may be prospered under this new administration.
The house (formerly known as the Norton House) having been leased by Mr. L. S. Roberts of Boston and thoroughly refitted, and newly furnished, in a manner becoming a first-class hotel, is now open as a public hotel for the accommodation of the public. Mr. Roberts in furnishing his apartments had in mind the comfort of his patrons, and we venture to say that all sojourners that place themselves under his care will readily testify that he can “keep a hotel.”
The Marcy House, recently opened in this village, is in excellent order for the accommodation of travelers. Every thing about it is neat and attractive, and the landlord is a presevering, go-a-head, live yankee, determined to meet with large success.