As competition for donor dollars increases amid a crowded field of nonprofits on the Vineyard, new ideas have begun to emerge about fundraising. In the past decade, the total amount raised by Island nonprofits has gone up, but so has the number of groups seeking funds.
Places you could only visit in your wildest dreams were made a reality Sunday night at the Art Buchwald Possible Dreams Auction, which raised $430,000 for Martha's Vineyard Community Services.
Each year more than 6,000 people are served by Martha’s Vineyard Community Services, the largest human service provider on the Island.
“I always think that number is so important,” said Sandy Pimentel, a member of the board of directors. “And they never turn people away.”
When Sandy Pimentel from the Martha’s Vineyard Community Services board of directors called me back in January to ask if I would consider hosting the 2013 Possible Dreams auction, taking up the gavel where legendary humorist Art Buchwald left off, I was completely blown away.
The Island community raised more than $450,000 for Martha’s Vineyard Community Services at the Art Buchwald Possible Dreams Auction Sunday night, an amount expected to increase still by the end of the week. The total surpasses last year’s amount by at least $50,000.
Newly famous after a second place finish at the World Series of Poker last Halloween, Jesse Sylvia saw the Martha’s Vineyard Community Services as a way to put his talent to good use.