A new allotment has just been made by the Mass. Highway Commission for State highway work in this town, and it is estimated and hoped that the section now under construction will bring the macadam down to a point near the Nicholas Norton brook, sometimes called Burnside Fall. Stone to be used in the above work will be paid for, delivered at the crusher at the rate of $1.10 per ton. If the stone comes in promptly it is hoped this section will be completed to the point above named by July 1st.


THE NEW COUNTY ROAD, between Edgartown and Holmes Hole, is in a good state of forwardness; that portion lying within the Tisbury boundary, we believe, is entirely completed. We passed over the road a day or two since, and are free to confess that we consider this the greatest improvement to locomotion ever made on the island. Through a considerable portion of the route, the road is already as hard and as handsomely finished as any turnpike we ever passed over.
