Vineyard Gazette
Wednesday of last week was a great day for the Vineyard.


Wednesday of last week was a great day for the Vineyard. At that time, the first agricultural gathering and display ever attempted on the Island, was successfully held at the Dukes County Academy, in West Tisbury. The exhibition greatly surpassed the warmest hopes of its friends. There was a grand display of the cattle, fruit, vegetables, flowers, pictures, and fancy articles.

Allow us to call the attention of your readers to a proposition, emanating from many of our farmers, to join in an effort to form a County Agricultural Society.


As the faithful chronicler of important events affecting the welfare of our Island, you will give space, I know, to a brief notice of an occurrence which took place on the 6th inst. On the morning of Wednesday we broke loose from the seclusion of home, and the pressure of care, and leaving the roar of old ocean behind us, we journeyed across hill and dale amid the luxuriant beams of a genial sun, to the retired but picturesque village of West Tisbury.
