Vineyard Gazette
“Cap’n” Seth Wakeman Jr.
Right whales
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Bruce Brooks
Nuzzling the shoreline with the curiosity and daring that made its ancestors easy prey for whalers, a young right whale is swimming slowly northward along the East Coast toward Martha’s Vineyard.
Right whales
Sea turtles
Marine Mammal Protection Act
Mark Alan Lovewell
One of the rarest creatures on the earth, the endangered right whale, was seen near the Vineyard Tuesday.
Right whales
National Marine Fisheries Service


The journey to Aquinnah was two-fold: a tow by sea to the Martha’s Vineyard Shipyard in Vineyard Haven, and then a land transport up-Island.

Scientists have yet to determine the cause of death as of Monday afternoon, but the dead calf represents another blow to the critically endangered whale species, which has dwindled to fewer than 360 individuals in recent years.


After seven years on the decline, the global population of the critically endangered North Atlantic right whale may be starting to level off, providing a glimpse of hope for the species’ survival. 

While many have touted the arrival of offshore wind, there are also concerns about the scope of the effort and the potential for irreparable damage to species that live and migrate through the area.

Several whales and other marine animals were seen off the Vineyard shores this week, a sign that summer is approaching.

An aerial survey team of scientists from the New England Aquarium saw a pod of four orcas swimming approximately 40 miles south of Nantucket during an aerial survey on Sunday.
