Vineyard Gazette
“Cap’n” Seth Wakeman Jr.
Right whales
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Bruce Brooks
Nuzzling the shoreline with the curiosity and daring that made its ancestors easy prey for whalers, a young right whale is swimming slowly northward along the East Coast toward Martha’s Vineyard.
Right whales
Sea turtles
Marine Mammal Protection Act
Mark Alan Lovewell
One of the rarest creatures on the earth, the endangered right whale, was seen near the Vineyard Tuesday.
Right whales
National Marine Fisheries Service


People on South Beach Sunday were treated to the sight of whales slapping the water close to shore.

A decomposing minke whale was found washed ashore this week by an Island family that was out for a walk on their Cape Higgon beach.


Less than a month into the calving season, four baby North Atlantic right whales have already been spotted off the coast of Florida and Georgia, offering a glimmer of hope for the species.


Recent grants were awarded by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association to develop and study ropeless or breakable rope fishing technology for lobstermen and other trap fishermen.

Finally there is some good news for the North Atlantic right whale — about 6,000 pounds of good news.


Dr. John Patrick worked to set the identification of a whale skull bone in motion.
