The Edgartown Select Board Monday approved a plan to renovate a section of Peases Point Way and Church street in an attempt to improve pedestrian and bicyclist safety.
A Dukes County grand jury last week indicted Joseph Feliciano after he was arrested for stabbing a man in the eye in May.
The nonprofit, which oversees miles of oversand vehicle trails on Chappaquiddick, is proposing to retire about 1,300 feet of trail along the bayside of Cape Pogue because it now regularly becomes inundated by Cape Pogue Bay.
Augustus (Gus) D. Ben David 2nd, the Vineyard’s famed wildlife specialist and former director of Felix Neck Wildlife Sanctuary, died on July 4 at his home in Edgartown after an extended illness.
There are young birds in our yards, woods, fields and on our beaches. Their antics are fun to watch and their presence confirms that this species has indeed nested here.
I was so happy with last week’s rain. A day or two without the hauling of hoses is a huge pleasure.
Soo Whiting revived her July 4 celebrations with pyrotechnical thunder and lightning at her property on Tisbury Great Pond.
Chappy Ferry service will be interrupted by Fourth of July festivities.