Yes, it is still cold, the wind is still blowing and the ponds are surprisingly not frozen.
The Chappy Community Center is still awaiting a part for the central heating system.
One small delight on a chilly winter day has been a shuffle of feathers on the roof over our bathroom.
I’ve always believed in the written word. Putting your thoughts down on paper helps you clearly understand what and how you want to share something.
Almost two months of winter are yet to come, but signs of spring are becoming more plentiful.
We finally got a heat wave with temperatures just barely above freezing. I cannot remember the ground even freezing last winter.
Cold shoulders, cold turkey, cold feet, cold sweat and cold everything has been the norm this winter.
Sheriff’s Meadow Foundation and The Nature Conservancy received the grants for conservation projects in Edgartown and West Tisbury from the state Department of Fish and Game.
The Martha’s Vineyard Rod and Gun Club will begin its winter fly-tying get-togethers on Tuesday Feb. 4.
The Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School swim teams have found success this season, with the boys’ team undefeated in league meets and some swimmers already qualifying for the state championships.