The Chappy Community Center is still awaiting a part for the central heating system. In the meantime, the great room is way too chilly for potlucks or yoga. Fingers crossed that the one essential piece of the machinery puzzle shows up soon. The next potluck is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 15.

When preparing your tax return, remember that contributions to the CCC may be tax deductible as it is a 501(c)(3) organization.

The Edgartown planning board will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, Feb. 4 at 5:45 p.m. to receive public comment on proposed changes to zoning bylaws. Residential construction fencing, substandard lots as affordable home sites, accessory dwelling units, clear cutting tree regulations, violation penalties and short-term rentals will be discussed, among other issues that directly affect Chappaquiddickers.

You get to attend the meeting in the comfort of your own home as it will be held exclusively through Zoom. You can find the link and detailed information regarding the proposed changes on the Edgartown website in the agendas section. There are two choices. Both are interesting and relevant.

This is your opportunity to weigh in on the efforts of the planning board to address concerns brought up by your fellow citizens. Town meeting is where the bylaws get voted on, but it is the least effective place to adjust them. Support your unpaid friends who sit on the planning board as they grapple with the hot topics of the day.