Natural Resources

When anyone seeks information regarding the Edgartown fisheries, he is sure to be directed to one of two or three men and one of these is Antone K. Silva.

Full Moon Owl Prowl Awaits

A full moon owl prowl takes place on Monday, Jan. 13, and will be led by Sydney Pigott, an experienced hand with owls.

Night Out for Nonprofits

MVYRadio will host its next Night Out for Nonprofits on Saturday, March 22 at the P.A. Club in Oak Bluffs.

Land Bank Revenues: Week Ending Jan. 3

The Martha’s Vineyard Land Bank reported revenues of $200,000 for the business week ending on Friday, Jan. 3, 2025.

Conservation Groups Complete Purchase of Pimpneymouse Farm

The Martha’s Vineyard Land Bank and Sheriff’s Meadow Foundation bought a majority of the historic Chappaquiddick property from the descendants of the Potter and Slater families for $13.78 million.

Why Not Here?

An almost rainbow-colored male painted bunting has been at a feeder in Falmouth this first week of January.


Nothing in the weather world is more annoying than wind.

Throwing Shade

Fig, Currant, Peaches and Banana can all be found crawling about in their tanks at the University of New England.

Court Report: Week Ending Jan. 3

The following cases were heard in Edgartown district court.

Chappy Town Column: Jan. 10

The next potluck supper is on Wednesday, Jan. 15 at the Chappy Community Center from 6 to 8 p.m.
