Chappy Town Column: Jan. 3

On behalf of the Chappy ferry captains, deckhands and behind the scenes employees, thanks for all of the thoughtful and yummy holiday gifts bestowed upon them by the Island community.

Chilmark Town Column: Jan. 3

Did you know a typical serving of cotton candy contains one ounce of sugar?

Welcome Eliza

Emily Lukins and Joseph Lukins, of Oak Bluffs, announce the birth of a daughter, Eliza Margaret Lukins, born on Dec. 27.

West Tisbury Town Column: Jan. 3

The Scotch pine has gone to its final resting place, sturdy boxes and those jolly, overpriced bags have been broken down, refolded and stashed somewhere.

In a Flash

It did not take long for the 65th annual Martha’s Vineyard Christmas Bird Count to become history. Planning started long ago.

First Baby of the New Year Arrives

Maisie Rose was born on Jan. 1 at 6:26 p.m. at the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital, the first baby born on the Island in 2025. Maisie weighed six pounds and six ounces.

Misty Meadows Says Goodbye to Noble, the Beloved Therapy Horse

Noble, an award-winning therapy horse and beloved staff member at Misty Meadows Equine Learning Center, died in mid-December.

Reflecting on the Island Plan 15 Years Later

The Island Plan, the Martha's Vineyard Commission's 50-year plan to steer the Island, remains valid but several people involved in the process said implementation has been spotty.

Edgartown's Longtime Harbor Master to Retire

Harbor master Charlie Blair announced his retirement through a letter read aloud at the Edgartown select board meeting Monday. He will step away after 30 years with the town.

Looking Back on the Year That Was

2024 opened with a severe storm battering the Island, the third in just over a month, each one turning its unwavering attention on the south shore. It closed with the first snowfall of the season, bringing with it a white Christmas.
