Work on the East Chop bulkhead and jetties to prevent further erosion of the sightly cliff and drive, began on Tuesday when a gang of workmen in charge of superintendent H. L. Curtis of C. W. Blakelee and Sons, Inc., of New Haven, Conn., made the first preparatory moves on the big job at the foot of Atlantic avenue where the bulkhead will begin.
Watch For It On the News-Stands!
Beginning with the issue of Thursday, June 25, the Vineyard Gazette will be published twice a week---every Tuesday and every Friday--during the summer season of 1929. This twice-a-week publication will make possible better service to summer readers and the summer advertisers. The improvement is in line with the growing importance of Martha’s Vineyard as a summer resort and will make the Island newspaper a greater factor in Island progress.
Steamboat company officials, town and county officers of Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket, together with numerous representative men from the Islands and the mainland, were guests of the New Bedford, Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket Steamboat company aboard the new steamer Naushon which made her first trip over the Island run on Tuesday. Never dawned a finer day for such an event, nor did a new creation of the hand of man ever perform more satisfactorily, and the run from New Bedford with stops at Oak Bluffs and Woods Hole each way was a truly enjoyable event to every person aboard.
This issue of the Vineyard Gazette is printed upon a new Duplex flat bed web perfecting press, installation of which was completed this week. The new press is of an advanced type, designed for newspaper printing. It feeds from roll paper of a standard size, prints from type forms upon flat beds, an delivers papers of 4, 6 or 8 pages completely folded in either half or quarter page size ready for mailing. Its running speed under actual working conditions in the Gazette pressroom at somewhat more than 3,000 8 page papers an hour.
This is the way the Vineyard Gazette’s new Duplex flat bed web perfecting press appears in the addition to the Gazette office which was built for it recently: The press rests upon a concrete foundation built to stand 20,000 pounds of dead weight and has a three foot pit under it. The motor driving the press is under the floor in the pit, on the side of the machine which does not show in the illustration.
The Vanity, new catboat of Capt. Thomas Walker Pease, was launched from the yard of Manuel Swartz on Thursday morning with appropriate ceremonies.
The new telephone building at Vineyard Haven, which is now nearing completion so far as the exterior is concerned, marks the passing of an epoch in the Island history of the telephone and the beginning of a new one.
With the completion of this building and the transfer of the offices and plant of the company to its new quarters, the common battery system will be put into operation in the towns of Vineyard Haven and Oak Bluffs, and all connections between the Vineyard Haven office and Boston will be by cable.