Nick Rabeni, a senior at the regional high school, has qualified for the Division 2 State Golf Championship, which will be held Monday at Berkshire Hills Country Club in Pittsfield.
Linda Thompson, who endured several hurricanes when she lived on St. Croix, sent along some hurricane-related advice she picked up along the way.
Comet Tsuchinshan–ATLAS C/2023 A3 is now visible an hour or more after sunset in the west. The comet is faint and is easier to see with the help of a pair of binoculars. We and a lot of Vineyarders were able to watch the comet last Tuesday night, and a few saw it the previous night.
Projected costs for a new high school range from $223 to $427 million, leading some Island officials to question if the project should be downsized in order to make it past the voters.
More than 3,000 fishermen registered this year for the 79th annual Martha’s Vineyard Striped Bass & Bluefish Derby. On Sunday, it comes down to six, as the winners of each category vie for the grand prize boat.
There are no adoptions to report from this past week, but our featured pet of the week is Nellie, a beautiful 13-year-old, medium hair, torbi cat.
The bones of the whale are bleached down by the harbor where the water is clear and you can see the grains of sand and the eelgrass and the white shells.
Kudos to Christine Todd, chair of the Dukes County Commission, for publicly speaking out on the deplorable situation at the Steamship Authority.
In the late 1970s and early 1980s, Kate Altman lived in Los Angeles, in particular the Laurel Canyon area, an epicenter of art and music and film.