
A Black-fish of the whale species, was found run ashore in the Menemsha Creek at Chilmark, on Sunday last, at a depth of about three feet of water. He was nineteen feet long and is expected to yield about three barrels of oil.


Another Storm

We hardly need remind our readers of the gale which occurred on Saturday night last; it was palpable enough to fix itself in memory for some tine to come. It is only necessary for us to say that it has rarely, if ever, been surpassed in violence by any occurring: in this region.
In New York the storm was very severe - houses and churches were blown down, vessels were driven from their quays, the trees in the
streets, squares and parks were torn up by the roots, liberty poles, &c. &c., were prostrated before the breath of the storm.

Our Wharves

Last season Osborn’s wharf, at the foot of Main street, which had for some time been much out of repair, was rebuilt in a very substantial manner. This summer the wharf belonging to Messrs. Daniel Fisher & Co., and directly below their extensive Oil and Candle Factory, has been entirely re-built in a superior style. The piles upon which the wharf stands are pine, the bark perfectly whole and secured by copper nails, which will keep the worms from the wood for a great length of time.*

Distinguished Guests

The Hon. Daniel Webster and lady, accompanied by Miss Downs, daughter of Commodore Downs, arrived in this town on Monday afternoon, and took rooms at the Edgartown Hotel. He went blue-fishing on Tuesday, and caught two-thirds of the fish taken, notwithstanding he was accompanied by extra fishermen.
Mr. Webster, we learn, will remain here till Saturday, previous to which time it is his intention to visit the far-famed promontory of Gay Head.
The Hon. Henry Clay, it is said, will visit our island in a short time.

An Account of Articles Taken by British Forces

An account, in value, of sundry articles taken from the following named persons, by the British Forces in Edgartown, between the tenth and fifteenth day of September, 1778 - said articles consisting of grain, potatoes, cabbages, clothing, swine, leather, lumber, naval stores, salt, craft, provisions, herring, house goods, ‘sarce.’


The Gazette Office has been removed to the Room over the store occupied by J. F. & W. Sayer.

The Steamboat Naushon

This favorite steamer, as will be seen by reference to our advertising columns, is to be sold at auction.


A slight shock of an earthquake was experienced in this town on Sunday morning last, at about a quarter to ten o’clock. We did not notice any unusual trembling of the earth or rumbling sound, but some of our readers did, and one gentleman, we understand was thrown out of his chair! It is also said that a lady discovered considerable commotion in her milk pans, and a saucer floating on the milk was tossed to and fro.

We hear that the shock was quite severe in Chilmark, and that some six rods of stone wall was thrown entirely down.

Two Men Missing - Supposed Loss of Life

On Monday, the fifth of July, two men, (Indians) natives of Gay Head, named Amos Jeffers, Jr., and Jeremiah Weeks, proceeded in a Vineyard sailboat on a swordfishing expedition off Noman’s Land. - Nothing has since been heard of them, and as the boat’s mainsail was picked up on Tuesday, the 6th, on Gay Head, the supposition is, the boat was stoven by the sword of a fish, and sank from under them. It is barely possible they were picked up by some vessel; but the impression is general that they have found a watery grave. They were both men of uncommon promise. Mr.

Dedication at West Tisbury

As the faithful chronicler of important events affecting the welfare of our Island, you will give space, I know, to a brief notice of an occurrence which took place on the 6th inst. On the morning of Wednesday we broke loose from the seclusion of home, and the pressure of care, and leaving the roar of old ocean behind us, we journeyed across hill and dale amid the luxuriant beams of a genial sun, to the retired but picturesque village of West Tisbury.
