Boat Sinks in Edgartown, All Aboard Are Rescued

Barefoot, a 39-foot Grand Banks Eastbay cruiser, may have hit a rock when it sank late Saturday afternoon outside of Edgartown harbor. The captain, Dwight Gesswein, of Fairfield, Conn., and two passengers were rescued by a passing powerboat.

Patricia Tessa

Abba Breaks Up

Abba Breaks Up

A 36-foot foot Beneteau was dismasted yesterday in the outer Edgartown harbor and five people aboard were rescued. Charlie Blair, harbor master, said the accident happened around 2 p.m. in the afternoon. He said the boat called Abba, out of Hyannis, lost its mast near the R6 buoy. The wind, according to the airport, was blowing southwest at 15 mph.

Mr. Blair said he couldn’t understand what had caused the accident.

Big Sky Too Big? MVC Wrestles With West Tisbury Light Industry

Where Island businesses and Island residents meet in West Tisbury, friction has followed.

On Thursday night a public hearing continued at the Martha’s Vineyard Commission on Big Sky Tents to determine whether their proposed facility in the West Tisbury light-industrial district is an appropriate use of a property that abuts a residential zone and makes use of an ancient way.

Lambert’s Cove Still Dog’s Best Friend

Lest one of the last dog-friendly public beaches on Martha’s Vineyard is closed to them, a group of responsible dog owners have taken it upon themselves to police the rules at Lambert’s Cove Beach.

The group came together last week, at a meeting of the West Tisbury parks and recreation board, in response to a growing number of complaints about the behavior of dogs and their owners at the town beach.


Wind Power’s Strongest Critics Air Their Views At Forum in Chilmark

On Sunday night opponents of wind development off Vineyard shores — including selectmen, fishermen, Wampanoags and a Republican candidate for Massachusetts governor — were given a megaphone to voice their views.

Hosted by POINT (Protect Our Islands Now for Tomorrow), a group led by Andrew Goldman of Chilmark, the forum drew a large crowd to the Chilmark Community Center.

“We will have the largest concentration of turbines anywhere in the world,” declared Mr. Goldman, who moderated the forum.

Rosie Martinez

Happy Diversions to Help Hospice

Happy Diversions To Help Hospice

It’s summer on Martha’s Vineyard and for most people this means vacation. Sun, fun and, hopefully, relaxation. But while life does need a vacation, there is another aspect of our existence that does not take a vacation. Death.

Jason Bowen

Walking the Walk, Talking the Talk

Walking the Walk, Talking the Talk

Find out more about the Moor’s place in contemporary society: Actor’s Shakespeare Project will be on the Vineyard for two nights only that mix performances of Othello with conversations led by Shakespeare authority Robert Bru-stein exploring the themes of the play and their relevance in our modern times.

Livingston Taylor Getting Brassy With P.D.Q. Bach

The Infinity Brass Quintet and special guest Livingston Taylor will be in cahoots next week when the Martha’s Vineyard Chamber Music Society concert performs Peter Schickele’s Wild West spoof, Hornsmoke: A Horse Opera.

Grace Potter

Night Time is the Right Time

Night Time Is the Right Time


The Little Traitor Will Steal Your Heart

The Little Traitor, a charming 2007 film based on a novel by Amos Oz, screens at 7:30 p.m. on Sunday, August 8, at the Martha’s Vineyard Hebrew Center.

The story is set in Palestine in 1947, just months before Israel’s statehood.
