Painter Norma Bridwell Gets Her Due in One-Woman Show

Norma Bridwell has been an artist since childhood. Yet only this winter, on the verge of her 89th birthday, has the longtime Edgartown resident seen a public exhibition dedicated solely to her paintings.

West Tisbury Cell Tower Expansion Clears MVC

A cell tower expansion in West Tisbury got a provisional green light from the Martha’s Vineyard Commission last week after a lengthy public hearing process.

Christmas Parade, Minnesingers Concert, Set Holiday Pace

An Edgartown police car led the way. A young boy in a Santa hat rode in the passenger seat, yelling out a hearty “Merry Christmas!” to the crowd over the cruiser’s PA system. Children and parents alike echoed the refrain.

Snow, Shopping Perfect Fit in Vineyard Haven

Main street was alive with shoppers, lights and snowmakers Thursday night, at the town’s first Winter Wonderland of the season.

Geminid Meteor Shower

The Geminids Meteor Shower, usually the largest meteor shower of the year takes place next Monday night.

MVC, Lampost Owner Clash Over Apartment Rentals

In a hostile standoff with the commission over whether renting out restricted workforce housing as short-term summer rentals violates a condition attached to a prior approval, the owner of the Lampost said he is not out of compliance.

Christmas in Edgartown Turns Forty

The event began 40 years ago as an antidote for a town with a dearth of holiday cheer. Since then the town has shaken its holiday enthusiasm deficiency. For four days this weekend the town will be a magnet once again for all things Christmas.

Shellfish in the DNA; Scheffer Lineage Begins With Roy

At a house on Bennett way in Edgartown, three generations of Island fishermen crossed paths Thursday afternoon. Matteus Scheffer and Grace Kenney loaded cartons of Cape Pogue Bay scallops into a gray plastic cooler.

Land Bank Revenues: Week Ending Dec. 3

The Martha’s Vineyard Land Bank reported revenues of $1,503,916 for the business week ending on Friday, Dec. 3, 2021.

Preservation Hall

The agreement announced this week to let the Martha’s Vineyard Film Festival lease the second floor of the historic Grange Hall is a welcome sign that the Vineyard Preservation Trust is serious about its pledge to embrace the Island community.
