
From the Dec. 19, 1947 edition of the Gazette:

Snowy Owl Prowl Is Everyone's Delight

They are here, they have been spotted and they are waiting for you. Honest.

Rise Dance Show

Rise Vineyard Performing Arts will present its holiday dance show, Season’s Greetings, on Sunday, Dec. 19.

And to All a Good Meal This Christmas

Growing up in Edgartown, what chef Amy Johnson looked forward to most on Christmas Day wasn’t opening presents. “The food was more impressive than the gifts,” she recalled.

Mountain Biking Club

A new mountain biking club is rolling out on the Island, a Vineyard chapter of the Northeast Mountain Biking Association.

Edey Foundation Grants Available

The Edey Foundation, founded by the late Maitland Edey of Seven Gates Farm, announces funds available for grants to Island nonprofit organizations.

Hello Sutton

Samantha Piland and Anthony Piland Jr. of Vineyard Haven, announce the birth of a daughter, Sutton Rose Piland, born on Dec. 3.

Calum Arrives

Laura Jennifer Hart and Samuel Allen Hart, of Aquinnah, announce the birth of a son, Calum McQueen Hart, born on Nov. 28.

Select Board Renews Entertainment License for Offshore Ale

Live music will continue at Offshore Ale Co. after the Oak Bluffs select board approved a new entertainment license for the business Tuesday, over concerns raised by neighbors.

West Tisbury Reappoints Ernie Thomas to MVC

West Tisbury has reappointed Ernest Thomas as the town representative to the Martha’s Vineyard Commission, following a vote by the select board Wednesday.
