Largesse, the Island Way

A new laundry center for the Oak Bluffs home for women in transition after experiencing homelessness.

December Reds

After an autumn of extra innings in nature’s world series, the leaves are finally down in the deciduous woodlands.


A poem with seasonal reflections.

Vineyard Bookshelf: Martha's Vineyard in the American Revolution

As Thomas Dresser points out at the beginning of his new book, Martha’s Vineyard in the American Revolution, islands occupy a precarious position in both peacetime and war

The Neck

From the Dec. 10, 1954 edition of the Gazette:

Merry, Merry to All

Each year for almost 30 years now, I have asked many people to do their part to help create the tree lighting ceremony.

Holiday Markets Showcase Local Talent

As the holiday season rolls in, and the emails are inundated with online shoppers pitching woo, there is always the local scene to consider.

Hello Daniel

Suzan Nascimento Silva and Douglas Silva, of Edgartown, announce the birth of a son, Daniel Nascimento Pimento Silva born on Dec. 2.

Please Adopt Us: Dec. 10

As expected, the two adolescent kittens were snapped right up. Congratulations to the boys and their new families.

Chilmark Airs Concept Plan for Peaked Hill Pastures

A long-envisioned community housing project at Peaked Hill Pastures in Chilmark took a step forward this week when the town select board reviewed a recommendation from the planning board for developing part of the property.
