Dozens of people packed the Oak Bluffs select board meeting Tuesday after the business last week sent out a petition claiming a neighbor was trying to put a halt to the late-night tradition.

The Lyons Group took over Back Door Donuts in 2018, and representative Vincent Lombardi said the business promised to now cap its back door line at 28 people.

Responding to complaints last year, the owners of Back Door Donuts have cooked up new plans to make things a little sweeter for the neighbors this season.


The streets are bustling in Oak Bluffs but as crowds return in earnest this year, striking a balance for outdoor space use in Oak Bluffs has become an ever-present issue for the town’s select board.


Two lines formed at Back Door Donuts Sunday to cheer and taste the largest apple fritter ever made, one for the record books.

Back Door Donuts pastry chef Raffi Jabri doesn’t get much sleep. His typical night shift at the bakery ends at 1:30 a.m.
