Obama Martha's Vineyard House
Julia Wells
Former President Obama and his family are permanent homeowners on Martha’s Vineyard, after completing the purchase this week of a large home in the coastal perimeter of Edgartown.
Barack Obama
Presidential Visits
Noah Asimow
A large private party planned for President Obama’s 60th birthday on the Vineyard this weekend has been canceled amid fierce public backlash and rising Covid cases, as the Delta variant spreads on the Island. The party will be scaled back to family and friends, according to a statement.
Barack Obama
Noah Asimow
The Martha’s Vineyard Airport reported a major jam-up of private jet traffic over the weekend, much of it stemming from President Barack Obama’s 60th birthday bash. Airport manager Geoffrey Freeman said private jets crowded the tarmac at the small airport all weekend, draining fuel supplies.
Barack Obama
Martha's Vineyard Airport


President Obama made a brief appearance Saturday evening at the home of his former law school professor, Dr. Charles J. Ogletree Jr., for what was described by the White House as a social event.

About a hundred people attended the event, according to pool reports, and small crowds waved flags along nearby streets as the President’s motorcade drove to Oak Bluffs.

Vineyard author Ward Just’s latest novel is among President Obama’s reading choices for his summer vacation on the Island.

In addition to purchasing several books for his daughters Friday during a visit to Bunch of Grapes bookstore in Vineyard Haven, the President bought two books for himself: The Bayou Trilogy, a collection of three short noir novels by Daniel Woodrell; and Rodin’s Debutante, Mr. Just’s coming-of-age novel set in Chicago where he grew up, the White House said.

president obasma briefing

President Obama arrived on the Vineyard yesterday afternoon to begin a 10-day vacation with his family, marking his third consecutive August visit to the Island during his presidency. Like the last two years, the arrival was low-key and closed to the public. Traveling with the President were White House counterterrorism chief John Brennan and deputy press secretary John Earnest, White House trip director Marvin Nicholson, White House photographer Pete Souza, and the family dog, Bo, freshly groomed for the trip.


President Obama arrived on the Vineyard yesterday afternoon to begin a 10-day vacation with his family, marking his third consecutive August visit to the Island during his presidency. Like the last two years, the arrival was low-key and closed to the public. Traveling with the President were White House counterterrorism chief John Brennan and deputy press secretary John Earnest, White House trip director Marvin Nicholson, White House photographer Pete Souza, and the family dog, Bo, freshly groomed for the trip.

blue heron farm

President Barack Obama and the First Family are expected to return to the Vineyard in a little over a week for their third consecutive summer vacation on the Island.

The White House press office yesterday could not officially confirm the dates of the president’s arrival. But it is understood that Mr. Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama and their two children will visit the Vineyard between August 17 and August 28 this year. The expected arrival date is understood to be August 18.


President Obama

For the past week, President Obama has been my neighbor on Martha’s Vineyard. He’s not what you call a cheek-by-jowl neighbor. Although we are both living in the same area of the Vineyard — Chilmark — we are separated by the Atlantic Ocean, Chilmark Pond, Tisbury Great Pont, South Road and legions of Secret Service.
