Obama Martha's Vineyard House
Julia Wells
Former President Obama and his family are permanent homeowners on Martha’s Vineyard, after completing the purchase this week of a large home in the coastal perimeter of Edgartown.
Barack Obama
Presidential Visits
Noah Asimow
A large private party planned for President Obama’s 60th birthday on the Vineyard this weekend has been canceled amid fierce public backlash and rising Covid cases, as the Delta variant spreads on the Island. The party will be scaled back to family and friends, according to a statement.
Barack Obama
Noah Asimow
The Martha’s Vineyard Airport reported a major jam-up of private jet traffic over the weekend, much of it stemming from President Barack Obama’s 60th birthday bash. Airport manager Geoffrey Freeman said private jets crowded the tarmac at the small airport all weekend, draining fuel supplies.
Barack Obama
Martha's Vineyard Airport


President Obama and his family will return to the Vineyard for a vacation this summer, marking the fourth Summer White House trip to the Island during his presidency.

The White House confirmed last week that the Obamas will travel to the Vineyard on August 10 and remain on Island until August 18. As in the past, no public events are scheduled during their stay.

President Barack Obama will return to the Vineyard this summer, making his fourth trip to the Island during his presidency, the White House confirmed Friday.

Mr. Obama and first lady Michelle Obama will travel to the Vineyard on August 10 and remain on Island until Aug. 18.


Barack Obama handshake crowd POTUS

President Obama and his family quietly left the Vineyard late Friday night, curtailing their vacation in anticipation of Hurricane Irene.

Sean Flynn

A temporary flight restriction plan devised by Vineyard airport officials for President Obama’s summer vacation is being hailed as a model for airports across the country to use during future visits by the President and his traveling entourage.

Barack Obama Eric Whitaker POTUS golf cart

Faraway, tectonic plates clenched uneasily, brutal regimes held on tenuously and a hurricane gathered confidence, but on Martha’s Vineyard it was still vacation for President Obama and his family.

Barack Obama crowd

From a podium bearing the presidential seal set up before a grove on Blue Heron Farm, President Obama spoke to the people of Libya yesterday, saying, “An ocean divides us, but we are joined in the basic human longing for freedom, for justice and for dignity.”
