Robert A. Culbert
Finally! The southward migration of songbirds is becoming more intense.
Bird news
Robert A. Culbert
May is rapidly coming to a close and with May’s disappearance the northward migration mostly ends.
Bird news
Luanne Johnson
The annual piping plover census was June 1 through 9.
Bird news
Louisa Hufstader
State wildlife officials and the Mass Audubon bird conservation group are advising residents to bring in their bird feeders and birdbaths until more is known about a mysterious avian ailment.
Bird news
Mass Audubon


The Island is now reaching the peak of southbound shorebird migration.

It is August and the nesting season is winding down.

The excitement started on a Thursday afternoon, July 25, when John Nelson texted me about his sighting of a ferruginous hawk that he just saw at Katama Farm.

A white-throated sparrow had never been seen before in July.

It is the baby bird time of the year. Many of these youngsters do not look like their parents and may not have grown all their feathers yet.

The generosity and compassion of the late reknowned Island naturalist and teacher Gus BenDavid had a huge impact on the people and natural history of the Vineyard. Gus always seemed to be interested in sharing his natural history knowledge and experience with any and all.
