Robert A. Culbert

Warbler Wave

The 14 species of warblers seen this week shows that songbird migration has increased tremendously.

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On the Waxwing

During their northward migration and the nesting season, we hear birds before we see them because birds are singing to defend their territory and attract mates.

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Confirmed Nesting

It is August and the nesting season is winding down.

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Bird News

The excitement started on a Thursday afternoon, July 25, when John Nelson texted me about his sighting of a ferruginous hawk that he just saw at Katama Farm.

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July Surprise

A white-throated sparrow had never been seen before in July.

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It is the baby bird time of the year. Many of these youngsters do not look like their parents and may not have grown all their feathers yet.

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Remembering Gus

The generosity and compassion of the late reknowned Island naturalist and teacher Gus BenDavid had a huge impact on the people and natural history of the Vineyard. Gus always seemed to be interested in sharing his natural history knowledge and experience with any and all.

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There are young birds in our yards, woods, fields and on our beaches. Their antics are fun to watch and their presence confirms that this species has indeed nested here.

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A fork-tailed flycatcher is not supposed to be here, as their northernmost population is in the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico.

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Transition Time

The northward migration is over for all practical purposes and now all birds in the northern hemisphere are nesting and raising their next generation.

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