The name Little Beach fits; it is 20 acres and is frequently mentioned in this column.
I had the great pleasure of joining Sheriff's Meadow Foundation's Winging It 4-H club for a tour of Quansoo Farm.
Most of our nesting birds already back singing mightily as they establish territories and nests.
The nesting season is reaching its peak.
A number of birders have reported fewer birds at their feeders.
During this week's peak migration a number of new species for the year were reported.
Birds do not always do what we expect, which is part of what makes watching them so interesting.
The first ruby-throated hummingbird of the season arrived at the feeder of Robert Green and Linda DeWitt at Green Acres on Watcha Path in Edgartown.
The eastern towhee, perhaps the Island's most iconic species, has started its return.
When we see common goldeneye they are normally on our salt ponds or in the Sound, where they mostly spend the winter.